Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Skirt Eye-Diving

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Skirt Eye-Diving ~

Skirt Eye-Diving, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.
Could this be anywhere else than that place I learnt to rollerblade all those years ago in Paris, whilst living in Belleville, one of my boldest, and admittedly stupidest decisions yet (rollerblading, not Bellevilling), and there've been a few.

The 'buttes' in the name Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, you see, gets a French definition roughly equivalent to 'hill', but I prefer the raunchier one from Merriam Webster, which sums up much more eloquently my first adventures in rollerdom: 'An isolated hill or mountain with steep or precipitous sides usually having a smaller summit area than a mesa'.

I really should have mastered my brakes before boldly hurtling where no Brit had hurtfully bolted before. I know a lot of the lamp posts in that particular park intimately.

On the mid-March day pictured above, you can see that the locals are not depriving themselves of a sudden balmy spell. The slopes of this enchanting ex-quarry become rapidly dotted with reclining skivers and predatory skirt eye-divers enjoying the various vicarious views on offer.

This grabbed guy was doing what I was - capturing it all on pixels somewhere. Terribly tempting to take a shot of all these lucky loungers, if joining them wasn't an option for me that day. There will be others; there always are.

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