Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Thank God For Sinners

Thank God For Sinners, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.
Hey, look! The two great religions of modern times coexisting happily
side by side on a Parisian pavement near you: pornography, and, err...

Difficult to know which is the best, umm, i mean worst, isn't it?

The one involves slavery of the body, the other the enslavement of the

Or is it the other way round?

One encourages sinners to keep on sinning for all it's worth; the
other... couldn't survive without sinners!

Ha, that's funny. Imagine a religion in a world without do-badders - all
the priests and preachers would be on the dole with nobody's souls to

So thank God for sinners and other small mercies, eh?

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I'
photo blog)

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