Sunday, 13 June 2010

Vive La Folie

Vive La Folie, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

Hey, Nature-Lovin' Folks! Here's an original fun day out on the good
ol' C-to-the-E... Yep, i'm talkin' about the Champs Elysées as you've
never seen it before.

So, for 48 hours only, you can share the two hottest days of the year
so far with just two million other people on 'the World's Most
Beautiful Avenue' (it must be true - they say it so often) to sweatily
shuffle and jostle past what is probably the unluckiest flock of sheep
in France this weekend.

On a less cynical note, this sort of event is a perfect example of why
i love this city: the fact that they actually did it just about
counters the sheer uncomfortableness of the event itself.

In the end you can't really say it was the joyous garden party it was
touted as, but it was an event. It inspired me to mount the Arc de
Triomphe for the first time in 17 years as a pseudo Parisian - i've
never been up before because i could've if i'd wanted to - and it gave
me a few more pics to throw at you in the weeks to come. Vive la fête,
vive la folie and... Vive la France!

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I'
photo blog)

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