Sunday, 27 June 2010

Lovelocked Landlubbers

Lovelocked Landlubbers, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.
The lovers' bridge, i mean the most romantic one, you know, with the
wooden planks, and the splurging picnics and the bottles of wine and
no cars - Le Pont des Arts, that's the one - well it's developed a
strange disease over the last few years.

i would say over the last few months, but with the speed minutes turn
into weeks these days i thought i'd play safe. And that disease would

Well, these little locks, lovingly abandoned and often adorned or
scratched with a couple of lovebirds' names from here to eternity, or...

Or until the Mairie de Paris decides it's had enough of these bloody
padlocks from lovelorn losers cluttering up it's street furniture...

Personally, i hope they stay.

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I'
photo blog)

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