Friday, 11 June 2010

May March, Will March

May March, Will March, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

Paris doesn't always rhyme with pacifism, even in principle.

In the north of the city, on a sunny Sunday afternoon, people are
marching from Porte de la Chapelle to République, banners in place,
megaphone in hand.

These are the shady generation, the unseen caste (yep, we've got one),
the 'without papers'... (les 'sans papiers')

This terrible social stigma is on the march - contesting the irony of
being employed but illegal at the same time. The majority of the
marchers seem to be male, it must be said. But...

Funnily enough, there are many suspiciously French-looking women and
children in the march.

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I'
photo blog)


Anonymous said...

There's been a lot of sans papeiers manifestations up here in the 18th and overwhelmingly the ethnic makeup is West and North African. Nice to see some suspiciously French-looking folks show some solidarity.

Sab said...

You know what, a couple of times I've wandered off the beaten track past touristy Montmartre and over to the stranger reaches of the 18th, and found myself in some sort of parallel universe. The days of the markets are incredible. You wonder if you're still in the same city.

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