Thursday, 24 May 2012

Liberation Struggle

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Liberation Struggle ~

Liberation Struggle, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Struggling as Paris' brand new Autolib car hire system is to establish itself, this image brings home to me what an uphill struggle it might be.

Although in principle it's a great idea, in reality it's having a hard job pulling away from the starting line. One of the main reasons, I reckon, is the influx of these new city-sized minimobiles like the famous Smart car.

That's the one which has the enviable characteristic of being (almost) able to drive into roadside parking spaces nose first. Quite a few Parisians try to and do get away with it, dispite the vehicle jutting out about a wheel's length as we can see in this electricity junction box artwork.

I've never actually been in one of these little boxes, and there was some criticism of them at one point for encouraging yet more people to hit the road for shamefully short journeys, which countered their relatively low levels of pollution which was one of their selling points in the first place.

By the way, who needs to apply some corny speckled paint effect to their images when they can get the surface they're photographing on to do the job for them. See the pale blue areas in the painting to see what I mean.

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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