Thursday, 3 May 2012

The A To Z, Step By Step

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ The A To Z, Step By Step ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

Vacillating somewhere between art, graffiti and poetry, the steps of this metro station brandish the lines of I don't know what, nor do I know why.

I guess it beats grey grimy concrete, and in a flash I imagine my words there, greeting the fleeting as they trudge and trundle by.

This photo, by the by, is my first Instagram photo published on the Paris & I blog. I don't know why, but this billion dollar aquisition by Facebook had passed under my radar until very recently, and I still can't really see what the fuss is about. It seems a very limited application to me which doesn't do anything plenty of others do, but I may have missed something.

Probably the most interesting effect is its tilt-shift feature, allowing you a certain amount of control over what's in focus. Cute, but sure to be overused, probably by me, until the novelty wears off. Still, fun is as fun does, and, it has to be said, anything that lets me play around with my pictures is fun for me.

So who are the above lines by? Strangely for me, I forgot to look for some sort of explanatory plaque, so it will remain a mystery until I see an article about it or do a Google search for:

Par la seule magie de leurs noms
Il est des villes perdues ou non
D'Aden à Zanzibar
Qui chantent dans nos mémoires.

(By the simple magic of their names
There are towns lost or not
From Aden to Zanzibar
Which sing in our memories.)

Although, from past experience, I might just end up coming back to this post, he he!

And why not...
© 2012 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

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