Saturday, 21 August 2010

Paris and I ~ 'Publicity Pigshit'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Publicity Pigshit ~

Publicity Pigshit, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

Ads are one of the richest sources of ironic incongruity available to street photographers.

Take this shot of lush verdant pastures just bursting with wholesome goodness (and troughs full of pigshit i suppose, but they don't show that).

NEW! - Download this
cute little printable PDF
'Pour vous, on s'engage !' (roughly, 'For you, we're making the effort') says the slogan. Well yes, so you should be, if you want to sell more of your little packaged ham actors.

And i bet that not one of the omega-3 bloated porkies which end up on our plates have ever seen anything remotely resembling the idealised clipart image shown on the billboard.

Probably something like the tower blocks of the 13th arrondissement, behind, would be more familiar to the poor beasts whose only reason for existing was to be sliced up and stuck in some garish plastic packaging for our greater gustatory delight. The swine...

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I' photo blog)

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