Saturday 7 August 2010

Come Go Figure

Sunset, or should i say moonrise, looking towards Pont Neuf, the oldest bridge in Paris, from the right bank (northern) end of Pont des Arts, the least romantic bridge in Paris? ;-)

i learnt a couple of interesting things about Pont Neuf the other day. One is that it was the first Parisian bridge not to be inhabited. That is to say, not to have houses and shops built on it.

Because although it is the oldest Parisian bridge, it certainly isn't the first!

I can't remember the other thing, but i can tell you that the little semi-circular alcoves used to have mini-boutiques in 'em, that a large number of wonderfully fanciful faces line both sides of all the 12 arches, and that a bondage artist wrapped the entire thing up in canvas or something a good few years ago now and offered it back to us calling it art...

Come to Paris and go figure is what i say!

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I' photo blog)

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