Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Paris and I - 'End of the Line'

iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ End of the Line ~

'End of the Line', originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

Une fin bien triste (a pretty sad ending) is the expression which comes to mind as i contemplate the rusting remains of the once perky Petite Ceinture, the little line which used to encircle the capital.

The obsolete railway bridge which accompanies the Pont National across the Seine is hanging on by the splinters of its sleepers but the whole line is being nibbled away, little by little, and it won't be long before the whole thing is just another légende urbaine of Paris.

So next time you pass under a dark iron structure with no obvious purpose, or look over a wall and suddenly find yourself looking into a deep cutting towards the edges of the city, spare a thought for the little trains that used to chug along them, and our predecessors who sat aboard them.

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I' photo blog)

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