Friday, 16 April 2010

Son of a Ditch..!

Son of a Ditch..!, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

OK, i'll help you out here... it's a 'jardin' (that's Froggy for
'garden') but it's NOT in Luxembourg (hint hint...)!

Any ideas? Alright, here's another helper for you dimbos: the floral
arrangements in this Parisian park are really LUXurious - after i had
taken this photo i (totally illegally) plucked a flower from it's
resting place and 'Senate' to my loved one.

No..? Oh well, never mind, just keep on reading the 'Paris and I'
photo blog, and hopefully, one day, you'll become a Fan, by fun!

~ Disclaimer: of course, if you're not a dimbo (and you certainly aren't, i'm only joking, Paris photo lovers!), let your voice be heard: that's what the Comments Section is for... 8-)

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I'
photo blog)


Unknown said...

You are so funny...I love your pictures, yes they are a little dark but i still love your style. Thank you for your comment on my blog :)
A plus

Sab said...

Thank you very much for your comment Frenchy, and yes, they are certainly a little dark, and I don't think you're referring to the lighting there, but if they weren't, they wouldn't be me, and the fact that you find me funny is immensely reassuring ~ you may be a pioneer of sorts..!

Keep commenting!

Virginia said...

I found you again! I followed your tutorials and then somehow we were parted mon ami! merci for your comments on my Paris blog. i love Paris very much as I'm sure you have learned. I'll be popping over in June. Maybe I'll bump into you!

Sab said...

Hi Virginia! Thanks for popping by. I'm still doing my video tutorials, over at the blog so you can carry on watching them if you like! See you in Paris :-)

PLJ of Prissy Mag said...

Have I ever told you that I love your comments as much as your brilliant photography! You neeed to write a BOOK!!! Seriously. By the way, HEAT is one of my all-time fav movies! (That's the discipline!)

Sab said...

Hmm, PLJ, did I pay you to say that? I can't remember. Thanks anyway - you're too sweet! Hey, what's your discipline? I'm trying to follow that philosophy... like posting one photo a day, come rain or strike. And little by little the little birdy will make its nest - that's it, isn't it? :-)

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