Thursday, 15 April 2010

Echoes of Austerity

Echoes of Austerity, originally uploaded by Paris Set Me Free.

Wartime Britain? Earthquake disaster zone? No, of course not! It's
just Paris people, a coupla days ago, in the 14th district of the

About 30 or forty famished folks, in various states of dress, many
unkempt, some with grubby rucksacks or heaving plastic bag
collections, all of them milling around one of the city's open air
soup kitchens.

Paris is a city of homeless people, pigeons, pooches and rats, and
even a few lucky individuals who have a roof over their heads...

(A Paris iPhone street photograph by Sab Will for the 'Paris and I'
photo blog)


Unknown said...

I think your blog is super interesting, i love your style. It's real. I would love if you participate in my French obsession Party link on the first of the month. You would get a lot of traffic. You can link any post you want.
A Plus and thank you for following me, following you now.

Sab said...

Hi Le Chateau! Thanks for the comments :-) I try to be both unreal and sometimes unreal - it all depends on my mood!
Hmm, 'French obsession Party link'.. - what's that then? I'll have to have a look...

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