Sunday, 3 February 2013

It All Ads Up

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ It All Ads Up ~

It All Adds Up by Paris Set Me Free
It All Ads Up, a photo by Paris Set Me Free on Flickr.

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

I've been slowly but surely getting into old Paris posters, postcards and pics. I had a stint on e-Bay a while back where I got a few for not very much but they tended to be reproductions and not the genuine articles - you have to watch out for that.

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I haven't got enough money to get into the hobby big time though and there are plenty of people out there who have already cornered the market as it were. I'm one of those people who hate a) not having the whole collection and, b) not having as many as everyone else. That probably says a lot about my personality - spoilt, selfish, capricious, egotistical, rapacious... - but I have found a great way of getting around the problem: I don't collect things any more. It's cheaper and much less stressful.

Well, I still do, kind of. I've discovered so many wonderful images of old Paris through Google that there's not really any need to actually 'possess' them these days. And even the nature of 'possessing' something is changing. Having the image on my computer, or just access to it, and then sharing it on feels pretty much good enough for me.

There's a real charm about the old ads but often an inherent sexism - and occasionally colonial condescension - from other times, where a woman's life would only be complete and perfect with the latest 'hi-tech' kitchen appliance or cleaning product. Come to think of it, some of today's ads would leave you feeling that things haven't changed much - check out all those shiny ladies with their shiny faces in their lovely shiny homes serving their happy shiny families or sitting on shiny cars...

And why not...
© 2013 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Kentucky Fried Conundrums

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ Kentucky Fried Conundrums ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

There's something about KFC which I can't quite put my finger on. I'm not sure whether I love it or loathe it.

There's that worrying rumour that they can't call themselves Kentucky Fried Chicken in France either a) because it isn't from Kentucky or, b) because it isn't actually chicken. Or not as we know it, Jim. That's one thing.

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The other thing is the Halal deal. They say that the reason KFCs are very popular with the North African crowd is that their chickens are killed according to Islamic law. Of course, we now know that an entire factory can be 'blessed' by one dude doing the necessary once, which is fair enough. And I don't particularly want my tasty K. Fried. C to have been sacrificed by having its throat slit whilst facing Mecca any more than the next (non-religious) guy.

And yet it tastes so darn good. Always has.

What to do, what to do. Probably just enjoy the icicles and get on with it. A Choko'poire sounds vaguely throat-gagging, although it's really just a chocolate and pear sauce covered ball of ice-cream and biscuit bits, if the pic's to be believed. Can ice-cream be Halal? Would you have to sacrifice the cow? As you can tell I'm out of my depth, so I'll let it go. Enjoy the snow!

And why not...
© 2013 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.

Friday, 1 February 2013

The Gold, It's In The...

Paris iPhone Photo Chronicles
~ The Gold, It's In The... ~

BONUS: For Street Photography Fans!

For some reason this shot reminds me of buried treasure, or at least the suggestion of some. Perhaps because there's a dude who dangles a magnet over one of the sunken columns trying to attract some of the coins previously carefreely deposited by rich romantic fools... Maybe because it reminds me of the last scene from The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, where the treasure is in one of the hundreds of graves...

Which is convenient because, you see, I happen to have received a very interesting message. Just when I though I'd seen them all, along comes this gem, which I'm going to reproduce here in full. You may roll on the floor and laugh your f***ing ass off, if you so desire. I kid you not... let the fun begin:

Hello Friend

My name is Master David Ofori, the son of Chief Ofori iron and mining export, my father married three wives and we have so many disputes in our family that he shared his access accordingly. As the son of the first wife they wanted to kill me so I and my sister Linda Ofori ran into the refugee camp. But before we finally ran out of our village we came across our father's storage secrete room and have now in my possession 150 KGS of Gold which I have tried to move out from our village and lodge in a security house now and we need a financier to help us ship it out for our benefit.

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Once you contact me I shall give you details of what is included in the box and for your assistant in any way to save our dear lives and to move this property out, you shall benefit 50 KGS of gold which is almost $45,000 per kilo while the rest of 100 KGS goes to me and my sister. Please be fast because we are now in a hide out for our security and there is no much process but only to process the shipment or sell it to a company who has agreed to pay us cash so we can invest the cash in overseas where we want to reside.

All I need now is a Foreign Trustee and For your information, I have a proper contact with the Bank of Africa here who is only permitted to transfer any huge amount of funds and if you are having any business transaction or investment here in Africa which means I will be willing to have the funds invested into it so you can manage it for me and my sister while we further our education. I also have contact in the Bank of my father where we can open a Foreign Account Free of Charge for the transfer and we will not spend much. I really want us to get to know each other for future business investment.

Please contact me back urgently on this email:

Your Friends

David and Linda

I think 'my friends' Dav 'n' Linda would have got an 'F' in a 9-year-olds' English composition class, don't you? The incongruities are eye-watering, aren't they (grab that gold, baby). I'd dearly love someone to write back to them with a 'serious' proposition but, sadly, it ain't gonna be me. You know what to do...

And why not...
© 2013 
Sab Will / Paris Set Me Free - Contact me directly for photo tours, interviews, exhibitions, etc.
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